Shock and Awe
"Justified: Shock & Awe" is an entertaining and enriching new adventure for US Marshall Raylan
Givens, giving him a challenge worthy of his own set of skills and plenty of colorful new characters to
interact with. -BLCKLST Review
I’ve been listening to Bill Burr’s Monday Morning Podcast for the past eleven years routinely. I love his sense of humor, the way he battles through the rage he lives with on a daily basis, and I love his self effacing attitude recorded as a stream of conscious rant. I thought he was great in ‘Breaking Bad’ and have always wanted to see him as the second guy in an action comedy similar to Charles Grodin in ‘Midnight Run’ or Eddie Murphy in ’48 Hours’ . Not a heightened style of comedy but more a hard hitting action movie that has laughs as well.
While crafting a story where Bill is 'the guy everyone is looking for', when it came time to decide on the main character that would be looking for him, the person I wanted to see go after him more than anyone else I could think of was Raylan Givens. I’ve been a fan of Timothy Olyphant since he stole the movie ‘Go’. I’ve even met him (made him drinks) on a few occasions and he seems like a very chill guy in person.
Since they didn’t kill Raylan after the series ended, and Timothy Olyphant is already a movie star, I decided to write these two very distinct and individual characters into the same story. The continuing 'Big Screen' adventures of Raylan Givens as he hunts for fugitive Bobby ‘The Beef’ Angus (Bill Burr); the only man in history the Federal Marshal’s office has ever lost.
They say, write the movie you want to see. For me, this is it. Enjoy…
(This script is 100% speculative. FX networks holds all rights to ‘Justified’ and to all of the characters from the show.)
Poster Art by Blake Armstrong, spaceboycomics.com
Same artist that did the poster for my film 'Soledad'.